! This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. ! by Joshua Frederick Constant Story "Trails"; Constant Headline "^Following the Path (or Not)^"; Constant MAX_CARRIED 2; Constant DEATH_MENTION_UNDO; Include "Parser"; Include "VerbLib"; Class Room has light ; Room Tent "Tent" with description "This small one man canvas tent doesn't feel like all the comforts of home, but the necessities seem to be provided. Many a storm have you weathered under it's protection. You can see the zippered opening is to the west." ,w_to Campsite ,cant_go "You could go that way, but to protect the structural integrity of the tent you reconsider." ,before [; Exit: return PlayerTo(Campsite); ] ; Object sleepingbag "sleeping bag" tent with description "A one-man sleeping bag." ,name 'sleepingbag' 'bag' ,before[; Take: "You are still going to sleep here later, no reason to pack up the sleeping bag quite yet.^"; Enter: return CustomSleepSub(); ] ,has supporter ; Object flashlight "flashlight" Tent with description "a trusty army issue flashlight" ,name 'flashlight' 'torch' 'light' ; Object jacket "jacket" Tent with description "a light jacket" ,name 'jacket' 'coat' ,has clothing ; Room Campsite "Campsite" with description [; print "Only the bare minimum to be called a Campsite. The sky is a little brighter than one would expect for this time of the morning. The south is blocked by a dense forrest but you can see a soft red glow through the trees."; print "^"; ] ,e_to Tent ; Object camptable "picnic table" Campsite with description "a picnic table" ,name 'table' ,has supporter scenery ; Object napsack "nap sack" camptable with description "Your nap sack, looks used and abused, but since you got it from a supply store you aren't quite sure when and how." ,name 'sack' 'nap' 'napsack' 'pack' ,has container open ; Object fake_tent "tent" Campsite with description "A one man tent." ,name 'tent' ,before[; Enter: PlayerTo(Tent); rtrue; ] ; Room CrashSite "Crash Site" with description "The crash site" ; [ CustomSleepSub; "Your curiosity is keeping you from feeling especially drowsy."; ]; [MagicWordSub; print "Magic words are often discovered by accident."; ]; [KaboomSub; MagicWordSub(); print "Too bad this one kills you"; deadflag = 1; ]; global prev_magic_move = Tent; Constant MAGIC_PLACE = CrashSite; [XyzzySub; MagicWordSub(); if (location == MAGIC_PLACE) { print "This one now seems to take you back to where you used the magic word last.^"; PlayerTo(prev_magic_move); } else { print "This one seems takes you to the crash site.^"; prev_magic_move = location; PlayerTo(MAGIC_PLACE); } ]; [ Initialise; location = Tent; "^^^^5:30 AM^ ^Normally, at this time, you would be startled awake by the annoying buzz of your alarm clock. On the second day of your vacation, you find a bright light and quaking earth seem to be as effective.^ ^Curiosity seems to have gotten the better of you, and any hope of falling asleep seem gone.^ "; ]; Include "Grammar"; ! CUSTOM GRAMMAR Verb "kaboom" * -> Kaboom ; Verb "xyzzy" * -> Xyzzy ; Extend "sleep" replace * -> CustomSleep ;